Science of Cycling: How Cycling Makes Your Butt Look Good

Cycling For Perfect Butt

Let’s admit it, we have seen pictures of those perfect-shaped cyclists with Olympian bodies in magazines. After seeing them, there is this one question that always persists- Does Cycling Makes My Ass Look Good? The answer to that question is both yes and no! Cycling helps you burn fat, and you will burn fat in … Read more

Does Cycling Build Leg Muscle?- Your Guide To Cycling Fitness

Does Cycling Build Leg Muscle

The stronger your legs, the better your cycling performance. With more muscular legs, you’ll be able to push better through the pedals and enhance your speed. This comes down to building your leg muscles. Now, you could hit the gym for strength and endurance training, do some squats and heavy lifting, and build your leg … Read more

Will Cycling Make Your Legs Bigger?

Cycling Bigger Legs

Have you ever seen a cyclist’s legs? Well, they look bigger than usual, isn’t it? The extreme buildup of bodily mass and those cuts around the quadriceps and hamstrings give a very different look to the legs. But, are they bigger or well-toned? As a cyclist, you need to build extreme leg strength to push … Read more