How To Choose a Dog Carrier or Dog Trailer For Your Bike

Bike trailers let you tow your pup around in situations otherwise impossible!

If you love biking, and you also have a dog, then the chances are you will never get the 2 of them to mix well together. With all those moving parts, and dogs being what they are; trying to hold a leash with one hand, a handlebar with the other, and not being pulled off sideways off your bike onto your face, or having the leash get tangled up into the chain probably doesn’t sound fun. Does it?

If you live somewhere like the country or a quiet part of town, and your dog can be relied upon to do as they’re told, then letting them run off the leash might be the easiest and safest way to combine being outside with your dog and you on your bike.

But that isn’t always going to work

Wolf in the snow

Dogs are dogs. Even the smallest terrier or the cutest little lap dog still has the hunting urge and the instincts of a wolf at heart. Just one mouse/rabbit/squirrel or other dog can ruin your day.

As for myself, there is nothing I like more than taking me, and my mountain bike off along the back of a mountain trail and letting my dog run wild. I love it, and so does he. I get to go off adventuring, and Charlie (red setter/spaniel cross) gets to run at speed for the entire day.

The downside is that Charlie is too large to fit in a rucksack till we get to the mountain, even though it’s only a few miles away; I don’t feel safe wedging him between the handlebars and me; and as much as I love him, I almost injured him the last time I tried riding with him on a leash. The dog has absolutely no road sense whatsoever.

So it made sense both from a practical and Health and Safety point of view, to not mix the 2 activities together. It also meant that more often than not, Charlie got his walk and I didn’t get my ride.

Sure I could have loaded the bike onto the car and driven somewhere to combine the two activities into one, but it was a hassle; and it also seemed to jar with my whole tree-hugger, eco, environmental mindset thing I have going on. It’s not all about keeping my Brad Pitt six-pack on the go, you know. Ahem.

Woman hugging a tree

At least all of that was true up until about 6 months ago when I got myself a dog carrier for the bike. It’s literally a trailer for the bike that Charlie sits in and we can head off together whenever we feel like it. It has changed our lives.

So with that in mind, I’ve been thinking in the last few weeks about dog transportation. Is there a transport option for every dog that’s compatible with bikes? Well, from what I can see, yes there is!

Woman with dog carrier basket

Dog Carriers and Baskets

Dog baskets are really the best option for carrying smaller dogs. Generally speaking, they will either attach or strap on to the handlebars or on the rear luggage rack of the bike, should your bike have one. They can range from something as simple as your standard old school bike wicker basket to full-fledged ‘let’s go to the moon’ full-on ‘I’m packing,’ style. The good news here is that most of them will literally just click in as easily and as smoothly as fast as this sentence was to read.

For a single dog, up to a maximum weight of around 20-25lbs, a bike basket of some sort could be your best option. The smaller the dog, the more appealing and sense it makes it utilize a front-mounted bike basket. Baskets tend to be by their nature, also less expensive than dedicated dog trailers.

Essentially there are 3 types of dog basket dog carriers available:

1. Wicker basket

Wicker bike basket for a dogThe classic style of basket, the type you’d expect to see Mary Poppins riding along with. They are of the decidedly classic market, and depending on how the wicker was sourced, the most environmentally friendly variety available.

Wicker baskets are far tougher than they look and will last a long time if dried out properly when they get wet. They are also bio-degradable if not painted or dyed.

Because wicker baskets are not airtight, they will also keep your fur-coated friend cool in the summer months. However they can be a nightmare to clean if your dog rolls on a dead animal and gets some of that rotting carcass ground into the fibers of the wicker.

The basket shown here is from Cambria Bike

2. Wired carriers and baskets

Wire bike basket for a dogTheir main strength is their ability to hold a bigger weight than a wicker basket and the fact they’re easier to clean if they get dirty. They are the better choice for the larger dog, and more often than not will attach to both your handlebars and front forks.

Wire baskets tend to be airy and it is a good idea to get your own padding for the base.

The basket shown here is from Cambria Bike

3. Fabric baskets

Fabric bike basket for a dogYou know the stuff proper rucksacks are made from? That’s what you’re talking about here. They are tough, cool looking, and normally come with little pockets and hand-size pouches to put stuff in. They are often lined as well with some nice comfortable waterproof padding.

They may seem like the most outdoorsy and practical solution, but they’re actually the least rigid, and sometimes your dog may feel like they’re just sitting in a large bag that swings from side to side.

They may also help unbalance you as well. They are more suited to the smaller dog, but even then there will be some sway when you ride.

The basket shown here is from Modern Bike

Consider This Before You Buy

Before you buy, you need to be aware of the following:

  • Don’t just look at the weight limit when sizing your dog for a basket. Dogs come in all different shapes and sizes, so just because a basket says it will hold your dog, make sure your dog is comfortable when sitting in it.
  • Will your dog be comfortable? Look for carriers that have nice soft-lined materials. This will your pooch more snuggly, and will iron out the bumps in the road for him.
  • Weigh your dog before you buy a basket. Most baskets come with weight limits, so know if you need an extra strong one, or whether one made out of cotton wool would be better.
  • When attaching the basket to the handlebars, make sure it’s secure and doesn’t slip from side to side when riding. Just because it doesn’t move when it’s empty doesn’t mean it won’t when your dog is in it. Also while your dog should be comfortable in his basket, any balance adjustment on his part, will also affect the balance of the bike.
  • Don’t buy a bike carrier or basket, throw in your dog, and think it will all be ok. Get them used to the basket before you head out. Place them in the basket when it’s not on the bike. When they are used to that, put the dog in the basket, on the bike. Once they’re used to that, try walking your bike with the dog in it. The last thing you need is a terrified dog going crazy unbalancing the bike and causing you to crash because you didn’t take the time to get them used to it first.
  • Does your dog go with you everywhere? Will there be times when you could really do without the carrier fixed to the front of your bike? It’s always a good idea to make sure how easy it is to get the basket or carrier off your bike when you don’t need it.
  • When you park your bike, don’t leave your dog on the bike. A resting bicycle, even with a stand, is not the most stable of machines; and neither is a fidgety dog….
  • Don’t take your dog mountain biking in a basket or a carrier. Sure it sounds cool, and fun, but it will just be dangerous. Be realistic about where you can and can’t take your dog in a basket.
  • Stick to as smooth a trail as you can. No matter how much padding a basket or a carrier has, your dog will be jostled like a rodeo rider if you go over rough terrain.
  • Make sure that if your basket comes with padded material it can easily be removed and put back in. Dogs love to get wet and muddy whenever they can, and the last thing you want is for your bike carrier to be pongy beyond belief.
  • Wire dog baskets will of course alleviate the whole odor issue, and be easier to clean by virtue of the fact you can just rub them down, but then you have to get a blanket or cushion that fits, and will keep your dog comfortable.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: Having a dog in a front-mounted basket will make steering your bike harder. The heavier the dog, the harder it will be to steer. Also, remember that you will be more front-heavy than you were before. Obviously this is more likely to affect the handling of the bike, the heavier the dog is but remember the bike will be front heavy, so leaning the body back when braking and using the back brake first before the front brake is more important than ever. So if you have a dog heavier than 20-25 lbs then…

Dog trailer with dog

Dog Trailers

Trailers for dogs are exactly what they sound like. They are trailers, for dogs. Ostensibly these are primarily for transporting medium to larger size of dogs, generally above 20-25 lbs, or for moving more than 1 dog at a time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get one for smaller dogs. It just means they’ll have that little bit more room to stretch out.

What To Consider Before Buying A Dog Trailer 

But choosing a trailer is a little more involved than choosing a basket. So here’s some handy pointers and things to look out for when choosing a trailer:

  • Make sure you get the right size. It’s just like choosing a basket. Get the one that’s right for your dog. There are a variety of different sizes of trailers out there, so do a little research and make an informed choice.
  • Make sure you get a trailer that has a hitch that is easy to get on and off, and that’s also easy to do so when the dog is in the trailer. Also make sure it feels secure. It shouldn’t feel shoogly, or loose. The last thing you want is to look over your shoulder when you corner and see your dog and your trailer going straight on.
  • Make sure there is adequate weather protection. Dogs will get along just fine usually in the rain and the cold when they can run and keep warm naturally, but it’s a different story when they are just sitting there in the middle of the trailer. Also remember, in a trailer a dog can’t go lie in the shade if it gets too hot, so make sure it has some sort of sun protection element to it as well.
  • Ensure the trailer is balanced. The more balanced the bike, the easier it will be to ride, and the less chance there will be of the trailer tipping and you ending up on the grass verge.
  • Staying with balance, what is the trailer like when it corners or you pull the brakes? Does it impede your normal ability to turn, and how does it affect your stopping distance? This might not affect you, but one thing I noticed when shopping for my trailer was that most trailers have a top speed advisory given by the manufacturer.
  • Are there sufficient reflectors and high-visibility material on the trailer? Having a dog trailer will block your own bike’s reflectors, so it’s good to check.
  • Are you experienced in pulling trailers? If not, make sure you get used to pulling the trailer before you put your dog in it. You don’t want to appear uneasy to your 4 legged best friend.
  • Give your dog time to get used to its new mobile home. Like with a basket, don’t just throw the dog in and set off. Panicked dogs are dangerous in a bike trailer if they try to get out. The bigger the dog, the greater the danger.
  • Are the wheels removable and will the trailer fold away and collapse when not in use? Dog trailers can be used as crates, or handy holiday homes if on vacation.
  • Does the trailer come with its own harness and hook-on points for your own harness? Again, don’t use an ordinary leash and collar combination. If there is an accident and the dog falls out, the last thing you want is his legs being tangled up by a long leash at speed…
  • Is the padding on the floor going to be comfy enough on its own or do you need to get an extra layer for your pooch?
  • Do you need to add your own plywood floor to the base of the trailer? How heavy is your dog?
  • Finally, and after safety perhaps the most important! How easy will the trailer be to clean out and keep smelling lovely?The floor/mat should be held in place by something like Velcro or ties that are easily removable after a ride and walk in the mud, and conversely also seem easy to clean. You don’t want the floor to be slipping and sliding all over the place. Your dog will not like it.

Biking with a dog trailer

My Opinion- Which One Is Right For You?

I hate to say it, because when it comes to things like this, I am very cheap; but really what you go for will probably mostly depend on your budget. Dog carriers and dog trailers are something of a niche product in most parts of the world.

What you go with will also depend on what you plan to do with your dog, and where you plan to go. Some of it will also come down to what your dog thinks about the whole plan.

Some dogs hate cats, and some dogs think they are cats. Some dogs will chase cars, and some will chase their own tails. Each dog is different. Some will take to a basket or carrier like a duck to water, and others might need a little convincing, and some dogs will never go for it.

Dog with sunglasses


Can you use a bike trailer for dogs?

Yes, you can use a bike trailer for dogs.

Are dog trailers safe?

Yes, dog trailers are safe when you use them correctly.


Get a trailer or a basket, throw the dog in, and off I go. No. That isn’t safe. Whatever you do, get yourself a dog harness to attach to the carrier. Most of them will come with one already, but check to make sure it’s adequate. This keeps your dog more secure and restrained in comfort.

There is also less chance they will unbalance you as the rider if they suddenly try to set off after a cat or squirrel.  Your dog also runs the risk of choking or breaking their neck if they do somehow either fall out or jump out.

Also Read:

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Euan McKenzie

Euan McKenzie

Euan McKenzie – an avid cyclist with an unyielding competitive spirit. With several years of national-level cycling experience under his belt, Euan's passion for biking has led him to pursue a career in writing. As a writer for, Euan imparts his extensive knowledge and expertise on all things cycling – from training and nutrition to gear reviews and more.

Euan's fervor for cycling is contagious, and his articles never fail to inform and captivate readers. He has a remarkable ability to simplify intricate concepts, making them accessible to both seasoned cyclists and beginners alike. With Euan's articles, you can be confident that you'll gain valuable insights and tips to help you achieve your cycling aspirations.


10 thoughts on “How To Choose a Dog Carrier or Dog Trailer For Your Bike”

  1. Our little dog loves coming on bike rides – but he doesn’t like the sun. Is there any dog bike carrier on the market that gives shade. Our dog is about 15lbs in weight.

  2. I got doggy trailer novel 10 and I have a pedego electric bicycle – the trailer came with a hitch but because the bike has (hub motor)and the axle is to big PLEASE TELL ME I do not have to drill out the hitch THANK YOU for any ADVICE / RECOMMENDATIONS. (so I can take and enjoy a ride with my dog) HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!

  3. If you want your dog to safely get some exercise on your rides, check out the Bike Tow Leash. No matter your abilities or what you ride the dog gets a walk or run!

  4. HI I have looked at all what you have said and I am glad I did because there is a lot more than just looking for one.I hope you can help me with a problem. I have a bedlington terrier he is 9kg and cant find a basket to fit my electric bike due to the weight of my dog .please can you help me with this problem.I hope you can email me.kind regards mrs s Holme.

  5. Great write up, thanks. I’ve got a 38 kg Lab cross & a 15kg mongrell. Contemplating a trailer for the short hop to the beach. At the moment the Lab cross gets there on my motor scooter but tricky taking the 2. Cheers.

  6. Many different options. I’m not sure if I want to mount a carrier on the rear of bike or do the dog cart thing. But this was good insight!


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