Ribble - Ultra TT Brake Cover Front

Ribble Ultra TT Brake Cover Front

Retail price: $162.00

Ribble Ultra is a speeder intended for flat trails. It’s a bit weighty, but it can speed quite well on short, flat coursed journeys. The biggest perks this model offers is the powerful delivery and aerodynamics design. If you are looking for speed and aero components, this is a solid model to stick with. Read full review

Ribble Cycles ($162.00)
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Ribble Ultra Review

Ribble Ultra is a bike model that you only like if you are a flat-course speeder. Be aware that because the frame with heavy, this rides can easily become uncomfortable on hilly terrains or longer journeys. What this bike model is best suited for is short, flat trails. It’s not the most comfortable ride, but the aerodynamics components are worth it.

A UCI legal front brake cover to fir the Ribble Ultra TT/TRI/TTR frameset.

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